Growing pains of being a business owner

I know you see a lot of the fun and amazing things I get to do as a business owner and those are definitely amazing. There are definitely growing pains as well. I run this business alone with no business background and there is literally no rest for me. I do my best to take care of myself physically and mentally, but shutting off from my business is definitely a huge challenge.

I am doing my best and I have to remind myself that I am one person. There are services out there, but most them cost more for a meeting than I can afford. It means I have to work 2x as hard and it might take me longer to get to where I want to be, because I refuse to burn out a second time. I cannot imagine doing anything else and will continue to push through these insane challenges that keep trying to get in my way.

I run this business because it is my passion and I am super grateful for all the love and support you continue to share with me.

As spring is here, I am continuing to think about the next steps that I need to take to continue growing this business. I truly appreciate your positive energy, your openness, your kindness and your love of baking. Your keep me and this business alive! Nothing makes me happier than seeing your faces, hearing from you and connecting with you.

I look forward to seeing you in an upcoming class. Feel free to reach out anytime. I love hearing from you!! Let me know what you are up to and as always if you have any ideas for classes, I am open to them.



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