Pushing through the hardships

Hi everyone! Thanks for being here. I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and to support me and my business.

I have BIG plans for 2022 and am hoping it’s the best year yet. I am a few weeks away from my 4th teaching Annieversary and almost at 4 1/2 years as a business owner. I have to be honest, I had no idea where my business would be from day 1 and still have no idea where it will go 4 1/2 years later. I do know that I am grateful for your support. I know this is what I am meant to do.

The last 4 months of 2021 almost shut down my business, literally. It has been a constant struggle. I have never turned down so much business due to lack of a space in my career. It stinks. I hate it. I am doing my best to keep my head up and keep going, but it is not easy. This roller coaster has had some great highs and more than a few lows, especially the last part of 2021. You all keep me going and I am happiest baking with you. The business side, however is unpredictable, overwhelming and tough to do alone.

I am exploring some options that will hopefully help me grow in 2022 with or without a space. Either way, I need your support.

Please make sure you like, comment and share any posts that you can. Please follow me on FB and Instagram and also please refer me to anyone that you know that may be able to benefit from my classes. I refuse to give up.

THANK YOU! Wishing you a great year.



Ann LoParo2 Comments