How baking helped me focus and become more fearless

Baking is intimidating to a lot of people, including myself. Truth is, I did not challenge myself as a baker until I had to when I went to Pastry School and I switched careers at 29.

Pastry is referred to as an art and a creative outlet, but I never felt that I was an artist or creative. I baked to satisfy my sweet tooth and also found it a way to focus my energy. I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder when I was in my 3rd year in college.

I find baking to be relaxing (most of the time) and it is amazing to me to see how all of these ingredients come together to make something delicious (most of the time) and rewarding.

When I started baking, I stuck to what I knew, cookies, bar cookies, cheesecakes and that was pretty much it. I tried to be creative and when I started out it was as simple as adding a flavor to a brownie like orange or raspberry. I have always liked to think outside the box, but was not sure if I would ruin a recipe and if I did, how to fix it.

The answer….. Trial and error. LOTS of trial and LOTS of error.

When I went to Pastry School, I had never made a pie, worked with yeast or even made whipped cream. I knew going to Pastry school would teach me everything I had to know. I had NO idea what I was in for.

There was soooo much to know and learn about Pastry then I had ever thought about. The science to me did not peak my interest as much as it does now, almost 15 years later, but I can appreciate it so much more and apply it to so many things.

I spent 1 year in Pastry school and I received an Associates degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. I was part of a program called “Garnish your degree”. I took classes in French Pastry, Breads, Baking technology (a science class), food cost, safety and sanitation, Plated desserts.

Baking for me helps me focus and the more I continue to bake, the braver I am to try things that intimidate me. Yes, I still am nervous about trying certain things, but I am more often, carving out the time to try a recipe and keep on trying until it makes sense and is delicious.

Teaching has helped me continue to brush up on my pastry skills, gain confidence in myself, in the kitchen and in my creativity.

I tell my students that baking is patience and practice. Life also requires patience and practice. I hope that when you take my classes or follow me on social media, you see that I may have more experience in baking, but I am just like you, baking myself through life with more focus, less fear and as many sweets as I can:)

My goal as a teacher and as an entrepreneur is to making you more comfortable in the kitchen, to have fun learning something new and to have a delicious treat to enjoy that you created. My students often say how they are not bakers and have no idea what they are doing. They often are surprised and proud of how they can learn something in a class especially over a computer in 2 hours.

I have taught students in person and on a computer from 3 to 75 and I have taught over 300 classes in less than 3 years. YOU CAN DO IT! I will help you learn tips that can apply to more than 1 recipe. I will give you tried and true delicious recipes and I will help you as much as you need it.

Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter for the latest updates on my classes and following me on IG and FB @anniessignaturesweets

I hope to see you again soon!!



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