2021 goals

I am not necessarily a planner by nature, but my goal is to be more systematic in 2021. As a business owner with no business background, I have been literally flying by the seat of my pants running this business. There are some plusses and minuses to doing it this way, but at the end of the day, it is time to be more strategic.

I am finally at a place where I feel like I have an idea of what this business is and the way I want to continue running it. When I started even exploring the idea of starting a business, I was asked so many questions that I had no answers for, what is your brand? what is your niche? What are your goals? I honestly don’t think you can even start to answer these questions until you have run a business for awhile and honestly, all of these answers change frequently.

I started this business as a catering company, then started teaching classes, then started teaching virtual classes. My passion has never changed, my love of desserts and connecting with people has grown immensely. I have gained confidence, some clarity and appreciation for what it takes to run a business.

Things that will always remain in place:

  1. My passion for pastry— I still only eat dessert and carbs. Not sorry!

  2. My love of creating desserts that taste amazing-taste always wins in my book. Pretty desserts do not always mean delicious……if someone is talking about a dessert and the only thing they mention is how pretty it is…..did they even like it? …or did they even eat it?? hmmmm ….You can have both, but it is rare.

  3. My love of teaching and sharing my love of pastry with all of you, whether it is in person or on a computer, I hope to teach you forever!!

  4. Connecting with each of you in class and beyond the classroom. I am so grateful for the relationships I have gained as a business owner and as a teacher. PRICELESS!

  5. I am always honored to be part of your special moments, celebrations, and that you choose me to be involved in some way, whether it is buying a dessert, buying a ticket or gift card for classes and you are always right there celebrating my wins with me. It is the best feeling ever!! THANK YOU!

  6. My hustle will never go away. I am always thinking of the next step and figuring out how to make it fun, unique and relatable.

  7. Classes will remain virtual for as long as possible, I do plan on going back to in person classes when it is safe, however, I will keep both virtual and in person classes because they allow me to continue to connect with you all over the world and I love that you too can meet people from all over the world and bond over baking.

Things that will change:

  1. I am working on having some more time to plan, promote and work smarter not harder on this business. Running a business by myself with no business background means not only do I carry all the responsibility for every detail…..classes, social media, marketing, shopping, emails, phone calls, bills, etc. etc. I am always learning and I also have to answer and decide on everything. I am hoping to take some of the pressure off by learning how to plan better and delegate some of the tasks that I have taken on since the beginning that will make things more predictable and take a little pressure off.

  2. I am hoping to have a little bit of down time and more sleep in 2021…..truly I would LOVE a vacation, but no one knows when that would even happen.

I am always open to your ideas and will incorporate as many of your ideas as I can. This business is still going strong because of your support. I appreciate each of you and hope to see you again very soon. Stay in the know by signing up for my newsletter and following me on FB and IG @ anniessignaturesweets

Stay safe! Reach out anytime.



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