Summer fun!

I am super excited for the summer and cannot wait to teach my kids camps again this year. I had such a great turnout last year with very little time to put together the programs and everyone loved the camps. This year, not only am I hosting my kids virtual baking camps that I put out, but I am also teaching 2 summer sessions at my High School to 7th graders.

My kids camps this summer include: My Cakes camp, French themed camp, Chocolate lovers camp and Fruit lovers camp. Camps are all live and interactive on zoom. Kids are encouraged to work independently and are encouraged to help prep the ingredients as well. Not only will the kids make delicious desserts, but they will learn how to set themselves up for success in the kitchen and they will learn how to apply these skills to more than one recipe.

Last year, before the pandemic hit, I was supposed to teach at my High School and talk to the students about my business and how I got here. I was bummed that it got cancelled due to the pandemic, but I am also feeling much better about teaching this year and I will be teaching 2 sessions.

I am constantly learning and growing as a teacher, business owner and student. My confidence also continues to grow. I am pretty much an introvert and putting myself out there has not been easy. I tend to get in my head quite often and do my own thing. Teaching and having to figure out ways to put myself out there as an entrepreneur has been tough. It is not natural for me to be the first one making conversation or introducing myself to strangers and just opening up. I can attribute a lot of my success and confidence to being an entrepreneur and a teacher.

I am always more than happy to share how I got to where I am today, Not only does it hopefully inspire someone else, it reminds me how far I have come. It is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day overwhelming craziness that is being a solo entrepreneur, but also amazing.

This summer I hope to see you in a class! Always feel free to reach out. I would love to hear what your summer plans include.

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