Is baking fun for you or does it intimidate you?

Hi! I am Annie and I have been baking professionally for 16 years and teaching baking for 4 1/2 years! I love giving you tips and tricks to make baking easier, fun and help you build your confidence in the kitchen. Baking should not be as “scary” as it sometimes feels. I have the knowledge and am happy to break everything down step by step to make you more successful.

My baking classes come from suggestions from students and also from inspiration I find daily. I love finding a new flavor combination or a unique way to make a dessert look fabulous (and of course taste amazing) without all the intimidation and guessing of what may or may not have gone wrong.

I have been on the intimidation train many many times and it is stressful. Baking is all about being prepared in advance, reading through your entire recipe and making sure everything is mixed properly. Once it is in the oven, you can focus on the decorating and decide how involved you want to be with it. Not all desserts need to take hours decorating. I love to eat my dessert as soon as it is out of the oven! Please be careful and let it cool properly, but not all desserts should make you wait days until you eat them.

I will help you be more confident, efficient and we always have fun. I am a professional Chef with the home baker mentality. Desserts should be delicious first and then focus on the presentation. There is always time to work on finding your own creativity in creating flavors and in decorating your sweets.

One of the worst things I continue to find are beautiful desserts that are terrible. The core of baking is getting the recipe correct. Lucky for you, my recipes are all created and tested by me before you ever get them so I am saving you hours of time!

I hope you join me for a baking class so we can create magic together!! You will only wish you joined me sooner:)

Follow me on FB, IG, Pinterest and make sure you are receiving my newsletter by signing up on my website. I cannot wait to see what you pick next!!

