Closing the door on 44!

I am not sure how to look at my 44th year because it was definitely my most challenging year yet. Tomorrow, I will be 45! I am grateful for the amazing students, the classes I taught to all of you, the skills I have learned as a teacher and a person. I am grateful for the friends, family and strangers that keep checking in and trying to help. You truly keep me going. This year started out amazing and within a few short weeks, everything seemed to go downhill fast with my business. It went from my best year yet, to my worst year yet, and the effects have caused a ton of emotions on this roller coaster adventure. This boss babe life is the most difficult adventure I have ever taken. I don’t expect it to be perfect and I do know there will always be struggles, but this year was one for the books that I hope is on the way to some brighter days!

I don’t like to be one to dwell, but it truly has been the most challenging year yet as a business owner. I don’t want to harp on all the negatives, but I definitely have had to find some strength and confidence in order to keep my head up. You truly help me EVERY DAY! Thank you for being here. Thank you for cheering me on, for showing up, for checking in, for being excited and choosing me to teach you. I cannot imagine doing anything else.

I am continuing to fight through this crazy year and am hopeful that 45 will be better. I appreciate you and your trust in me, your eagerness to learn, your joy, your questions, and it helps push me to keep going and not give up.

Bye to 44 and Cheers to 45 with a whole lot of new opportunities, challenges and a LOT more baking and teaching all of you!! I have lots of new things coming soon and I hope you continue to follow along, join me for classes and help me bring some sweetness to your life as you do to mine! Make sure you are following me on FB and IG @anniessignaturesweets and receiving my newsletter for the latest news and updates!!

Wishing you an amazing weekend and I truly cannot wait to see you again soon!!



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