What are 3 of my favorite benefits of baking?

I predicted at the age of 3 that I would be a baker when I grew up and that “playing” is my favorite thing to do. Baking was not something I even considered doing as a career, but it was always my fall back for stress release, sweet tooth cravings and something that always brought me joy and also sharing my desserts, brought others joy! I became a Pastry Chef in my late 20’s and have never looked back!

As a Pastry Chef for the last 17 years and a Baking Teacher for the last 5 years, I have learned a lot about baking and its benefits. I thought I would share some of the things that I have experienced as a Professional Pastry Chef, a Teacher and Food Artist, but also as someone who loves a great from scratch dessert. Ok, not A great dessert, but all of the great desserts.

  1. Baking can help ease stress. - For me, I was not diagnosed with Attention Deficit Order until I was a Junior in College at Kent State University in Ohio. I did not realize until baking because my career how much it helped my ADD to stop and create something from start to finish. I tend to just get lost in baking in a good way, and forget about everything else. I turn on my music or sometimes just use the sounds of the kitchen as my music, heat up my oven and get all of my ingredients and equipment out (my mis en place) and before I know it, I have created a fabulous dessert from start to finish and I was just in the moment the entire time.

  2. Baking is magical and made me love science for the 1st time ever!- I have always been fascinated with how you can have a few basic ingredients and put them together and create an unbelievable amount of delicious desserts. It’s all about science and ratios of recipes. This sounds boring and researching it probably is, but as someone who likes to see results and be hands on, this is the best part about baking. You create something out of what appears to be nothing, and you have control of making it your own once you master your recipes.

  3. Baked goods ALWAYS bring people joy. - As a creator of baked goods for the last 17 years professionally and a baker since I was at least 14 years old, this is such a wonderful perk. Not only does it bring you joy as the baker, but sharing your creations with other people and seeing them enjoy your baked goods is one of the coolest things ever! Baked goods are always part of holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, times of grief, they really are like flowers, only edible and made by someone who has a passion for creating baked goods, is truly a gift that anyone is lucky enough to be on the receiving end.

    FACT: I can go on and on about so many other benefits to baking, but these are the top 3 benefits I find when I bake. I do it as a creative way to help release stress, bring myself and others joy through sweets and create magical sweets out of simple ingredients.

    Do you find baking to be beneficial to you? Do you have other benefits to share? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below or feel free to message me directly.

    You can always find me on FB and IG @anniessignaturesweets or on my website www.anniessignaturesweets.com

    I love connecting with you and would love to hear your experiences, the good, the stressful, and the challenges. I am always here to help you take your baking to the next level and reduce your stresses and challenges in the kitchen.



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