Behind the business

I have to be honest, this pandemic has hit my business in more ways that you can imagine. I am not one to sit and complain, but the truth is it is HARD!

Most people have gotten accustomed to watching the positive things and assume all is well. I do it to. I also get wrapped up in the …how do THEY do that? Why can’t I have that happen? Why is this happening AGAIN?

It’s tough and the last several months in particular have really put myself and my business to the test. Once again, it is making me think about what direction I want to take this business.

I no longer have a physical location to teach baking classes which has definitely made it hard to teach in person classes. I am lucky to have the option to teach at Gatherings kitchen in Lakewood on Sundays, but so far no one wants a Sunday in person class.

I am LOVING virtual classes and I honestly want to do both virtual and in person events. I miss the interaction of the students in person, being in a kitchen that is not my 1 bedroom apartment that is currently overloaded with stuff from my previous location and it truly gets to be overwhelming. The packing and unpacking of my tools, equipment and materials is a lot on top of the regular life stuff and managing the business stuff. I have spent the last 5 years basically transporting goods everywhere all over town.

On one hand, I am bummed that I have no space to teach in person, especially when I have had to turn down more than 1 dozen inquiries in the last few weeks because of no space to teach. I also had to let go of my employee 2 months after hiring her because business took a pretty giant pause.

I can only be hopeful and try to figure a way to keep on going and keep on pushing through this challenging time for me personally and professionally. Things that help me are therapy, working out, baking, talking with friends and family. The toughest part is that I do this alone with no business background. I am learning as I go and trying to keep focused on the future. I am not giving up. This is what I am meant to do. Just not sure what the next phase will be.

It’s a RIDE! What honestly keeps me going is you. Many of you have watched me from the start and some you have just found me. No matter how long you have been here, I truly am grateful for your time, your support and your eagerness to get back to in person. Until I find a way to make that happen, classes will remain on zoom. I have the best students and fans ever! Truly! You always bring a smile to my face and help me remember the “why” every single day.

Feel free to reach out anytime. I am more than happy to hear from you.



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