4th year highlights!

WOW! I am so grateful and excited to still have a business a year and a half after the pandemic. I was hopeful that I would be able to keep this going, but I honestly could not do it without your support. I appreciate all of you!! Some of you just found me and LOTS of you have been here for awhile, THANK YOU! You make my heart so happy!

I thought it would be fun to recap what has happened in the last year from August 27th, 2020 until August 27th, 2021.

I have taught 200 classes in the last year from August 27th, 2020 until August 27th, 2021

I have taught over 700 students in the last year

I have taught in 5 countries

I have taught in 24 states

I have taught 24 private events

I have taught 38 kids camps

I have taught 48 topics this year

Other highlights of 2020/2021

  1. I was featured on a website called “we are teachers” as part of “16 virtual cooking classes for kids of all ages” in June 2020, but did not find out about it until September 2020.

  2. I was featured on Parade magazine’s website in August 2020, but did not find out about it until September 2020.

  3. I was on Wkyc 3 on November 25th, 2020 showcasing how to make cheesecakes with Maureen Kyle.

  4. I had an apple spice whoopie pie featured in Cleveland Magazine in October 2020.

  5. I was featured on Cleveland.com on and in the news paper on February 11th, 2021 and July 26th, 2021

  6. I was featured on New Day Cleveland on September 4th, 2020, March 23rd, 2021 and August 20th, 2021

  7. I was featured as Teacher at my High School’s summer enrichment program, Magnificat and taught over 40 kids for 2 weeks about baking in June 2021

  8. I sprained my ankle 2x in a month….not fun.

  9. I had COVID and was able to continue to run my business since I was virtual and was still able to teach.

  10. My pretzel salted caramel cheesecake was named “Ohio’s best dessert” by Yelp on May 24th, 2020.

  11. I hired a virtual assistant, who is AMAZING!

  12. I hired an in person baking assistant in July who is AMAZING!

  13. I started teaching cakes again after a 3 1/2 year hiatus.

  14. June was my best month financially, but literally was extremely challenging to keep up doing everything by myself.

  15. February 23rd, 2021 I was featured in Currents Magazine.

  16. I was featured in the Plain dealer on February 24th, 2021 for my virtual cheesecake class for Hudson library.

  17. I have learned sooooo much from my amazing students and fans.

  18. I have laughed.

  19. I have cried.

  20. I have LOVED every minute of teaching, even the times, I am having an off day or deciding to wing it or change something last minute.

  21. I have kept going through all the chaos that ensues behind the scenes because this is what I am meant to do and I am not stopping.

  22. I am celebrating more than I ever have because I deserve it!!! I literally would not be here without your support. THANK YOU!!

  23. I am excited for year 5 and am anxious to see what year 5 will bring.

Make sure you keep up to date with me by signing up for my newsletter on my website for the latest news and updates. I appreciate you!! Have an amazing day!



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