How quickly things change

As a business owner for 4 years now, I have had to change my business countless times. One day you are celebrating, the next day, you are laying off an employee that just started with you 2 months ago because business is slow and you have no idea how to maintain this business or if you can even pay your own bills. UGH!

I signed up for this and expected there to be highs and lows. It doesn't make it any easier when every single door that has been opened starts to close and you once again are faced with how to keep on going.

I am not one to give up, but it definitely does have a negative impact. I do my best to keep this business alive and keep on smiling, but sometimes it just gets to be too much. Tears, fears, changes, the unknown are all around me.

I am doing my best to figure out what is next. I truly appreciate your continued support and am once again, trying to figure out what is next.

Wishing you a great week!



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